Monday, July 23, 2012


This cute little Buick Rendezvous has been with us through thick and thin and we wanted to remember the memory of all the places she pushed and pulled us through.  In more ways than one.

We have sold her to get a car that fits more car seats and is a little more reliable for the many road trips I'm sure we will continue to be taking with the line of work that we are involved in.

We put this silly family sticker on it when we only had two kids and a fish.  For the longest time, the fish has represented Hinckley and always thrown people off.  They always asked us, "Why's Hinckley a fish?"

And we just like this saying a lot.  The full quote is "Question with boldness even the existence of God; because, if there be one, he must more approve of the homage of reason than that of blindfolded fear."  We displayed that proudly wherever we went because Jefferson knew his stuff.

The miles on our little car.

Oh, the dates we went on.  Appropriate, don't you think?

Our new car is so fun though.  I'm sure we will have many adventures to share with this new beauty that allows us to fit a bigger family now and has a DVD player for the kids.  I'll have to get some pictures of it to show.

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