Monday, July 23, 2012

Happy Cloudy Birthday!

Orion has developed a recent obsession with Star Wars lately.  Naturally he wanted a Star Wars Birthday Party.  Well, I figure he has plenty of chances to make his birthdays whatever he wants in the future and if he wants a star wars party, we can always do it for a future birthday.  Plus, star wars stuff can get pricey.  So once again, I opted for keeping the theme simple, inexpensive, and something I could use a little creativity with since that's what I have most fun doing for my kids' birthdays.  This is one of my favorite children's books because of the fun food pictures and because of how appealing it has always been to me for food to rain out of the sky.  Especially when I'm pregnant and don't want to prepare any.  But I loved preparing for Orion's 5th Birthday because it was kind of fun and like I said already, simple.  

Except for making banners again.  Another couple hours were spent making this one I'm sure.  But paper and scissors can really make an occasion so festive.

And I had fun making this cute Birthday Banner for my first-born son.

I picked up some different colored/shaped balloons filled with helium so that they looked as though they were falling from "our sky" and tried to make them look like foods.  Ice cream cones.

Meatballs and spaghetti.  I guess it sort of worked.


So we had more guests join us for this party and the boys had a blast.  I had them gather around for a short reading of the book so that they understood the little activities we had in store.

Alex normally has a great reading voice but I think the kids were just wanting to play so he hurried through the book so we could get to the activities.

There is a beautiful sunset in the book made of Jello.  So our first game was freeing the people from the jello cups.

This really was quite comical to watch.

Some kids needed help freeing the jello men so I think my friend Sandy here ate more jello than she might have liked.  Thanks Sandy for helping them out.

Hinckley, showing off his first few teeth.

My little snuggler.  Love that face.

Decorating for the party was a cinch.  I grabbed Chrysalis' felt foods and decorated a few branches as a centerpiece for the table.  You have to see the pictures in the book to get this.  Basically, the food that rained down on this town would get stuck in trees and on rooftops everywhere.

In one part of the book, a huge pancake falls onto a school that helicopters are trying to pull off because they had to close down the school due to the pancake storm.  So, for his birthday, we decided it would be fun to serve up a pancake bar.  You can choose what to put into your pancakes.

And the birthday cake, of course, was simply a stack of pancakes which Orion devoured because pancakes are one of his favorite foods.

He opened up several gifts at the end of the party.

Got some fun new clothes, and some punching balls.

And, of course, some Star Wars toys as well.  I don't think I have a picture of it, but his Uncle Mo was so kind, he brought him his first lightsaber.  He was thrilled.  Now I'm worried he's going to take someone out with it.  Oh well.  He's happy.

And here are some of the star wars legos that Daddy had more fun putting together than Orion did, though he loved the end result.

Fun little puzzles to put together I suppose.

Happy 5th Birthday Orion!  Where does the time go?  We love you to pieces silly kid!  Btw, his birthday was Feb. 24th.  I'm just late again.  Getting caught up though.  :)

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