Thursday, April 14, 2011

A Different Approach

Okay, so you're probably wondering why you're seeing a doll made to look as though she went potty on her chair. Well, Orion's potty training was absolute torture for me. Alex would probably say the same thing. So with Chrysalis, we figured it couldn't hurt to try a different approach. I first noticed the "Potty Train your Child in Just One Day" book in the baby section at walmart and didn't think much of it and am now wishing I had. After reading Alex's cousin's experience with her little boy, I decided we at least needed to give this a shot.

So what you're actually seeing here is Peanut Butter and chocolate with mustard. I guess the idea is that you want to throw the most exciting party for your child ever and then fill them up with juices and fluids so that they have more times to practice throughout the day. You give them treats and make a big deal out of every time they get it right. You also use a doll and pretend that it pees and poops also. And every time the doll gets it right, you praise the doll too. Or reprimand the doll for having accidents. I was surprisingly shocked at how well Chrysalis took this. She actually looked disgusted every time she thought Leah had an accident. Leah is one of her favorite dolls.

I even whipped out a pair of underwear for Leah to get wet and dirty. It kept falling apart. But it worked sufficiently enough. I need to get a picture of the potty trained girl who is now permanently in her underwear. Did it work like a charm? If I am being honest, it took her about a couple weeks. On very rare occasions does she have accidents now. All in all though, it was by far a much better approach than the one we had with Orion. Don't even ask me how we managed to get that boy potty trained. But the good news is, we have two out of three out of diapers now. Chrysalis is officially potty trained. Hooray! Thanks Leah, for showing Chrysalis how it's done.


Amy said...

Hooray! That is an interesting approach to having a "friend" be potty trained with her. I like it :)

April said...


Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Our little swimmer