Saturday, December 11, 2010

Some Holiday Photos . . . okay, more than just "some."

Last night was our ward Christmas dinner/party. Here are some of the fun decorations they put up on the stage. I love the way they did these silhouettes.

Orion smiles for the camera.

His newest friends: Alden and Jaden Kim. I love how quickly he makes friends. They play so well together.

My little girl and me.

She wanted a picture with Daddy too. She loved taking pictures last night. Normally she's not this cooperative.

Family shot.

This cute little Korean family moved into the ward the same day we did. Our first day at church was theirs as well. We've made quite a few Korean friends in the last few years. I love their culture. I want to visit Korea now. Anyways, we sat at the same table last night and had a fun evening.

Chrysalis wanted food.

Little Hinckley was so well-behaved last night. I couldn't have asked for a better baby. He slept the entire party.

Here's just a picture I fiddled with. What mother doesn't love sleeping babies?

Chompin' away on yummy salad and hot rolls.

When we got home, I wanted to take some photos of them in their festive colors.

Isn't she a sweetie?

Lately she does this thing called the evil eye look. I asked her to do the evil eye so this is what it looks like. It usually has a slightly raised eyebrow. It's so funny.

I tried really hard to get some cute pictures of the three together. This is the best I could get. They love their little brother so much. But it's so hard to get them to pose long enough for a good picture. I thought this one was funny. Poor little Hinckley looks so awkward.

It's hard not to smother him in smooches I suppose.

I thought Orion's shirt was funny so I had to try and capture it. Kind of fuzzy but oh well.

And since I haven't really captured any of our holiday decor for the year, here's a tribute to fun Christmas tree decorating.

I found these cute crocheted pine cones at a boutique I went to out here with my friend Marissa. I had to get some for my tree. It's hard to see in the pic but they are really cute.

Hinckley's Christmas outfit has the cutest little reindeer feet.

And here he is in his first Christmas outfit. He has started doing some cute little smiles. I love baby smiles. We really are so in love with this cute little boy.

It really was a fun night. Hope you're all having some fun holiday happenings.


Kira said...

You're looking so beatiful Ligia! Bangs look great on you. And totally impressed with your holiday decorating.

Stephen said...

Wow, love these pics. Thanks so much. Ligia! how long your hair.

Heather said...

I still need to meet little Hinckley! Hope you are doing well. Will you send me your address when you get a chance.

Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Our little swimmer