Sunday, December 5, 2010

Hodge Podge of November's Happenings

This is why we love to hike. Why we don't do it more often? I don't know. Tell me this sunset isn't gorgeous.

While Justin was still here in late October sometime, Gio and myself decided he needed to hike the Y. So we all decided to go as a family. Shortly after having a baby, I could barely keep up. I am out of shape. But in my defense, this was shortly after having a baby. About three weeks after giving birth. I think we did the same thing when Orion was born with some friends of our ward back then. I thought we were crazy and asked myself many times why I did it. I guess one time wasn't crazy enough. But it sure is beautiful up there and the exercise your calves and shins get from climbing that mountain hurts so good.

This was Chrys' first time hiking the Y. She did great about halfway up but then got tired and hitched a ride on Daddy's shoulders.

This is the kid I could not keep up with. I need to drink more wheatgrass. He made it all the way up by himself and only got tired on the last switchback on the way down. He's quite the little hiker. And I'm so glad we're back in Utah where the mountains are literally next door.

On another outing with Gio and her boyfriend we gathered up the crew and spent the whole night at Trafalga, mini-golfing, riding go-carts, hitting balls at the batting cages, riding the simulator thing and just playing arcade games. I think it was more than enough for one night. But Orion loved riding in the two-seater go-carts with his Daddy. Chrysalis wanted to as well, but she was too small to ride. I remember hating when you were too small to ride things.

There's my sister in the orange one.

Of course, the arcade driving games were just as fun.

And Chrys was more than satisfied with that.

They were definitely pooped.

And for someone who recently became the mother of three, this is a very pretty picture.

So here are the kids on a Sunday morning before church.

Orion was trying to put on cartoons. But a quick reminder that we only watch Jesus movies (meaning the Living Scriptures series) on Sundays was all this sweet little boy needed. I couldn't have asked for a better son. He is so obedient when it comes to watching wholesome sabbath day material. He rarely fights me on this anymore.

Instead, he read some books to his sister. This one is "Ten Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed." I think he's mostly memorized this one.

Here is Hinckley in his first Sunday outfit. My Aunt Maria Isabel gave us this cute little dress shirt that is also a onesie so that it doesn't ride up because it buttons around the groin. I don't think he liked it so much. But trust me, he soon went to sleep after this shot was taken. He really has become a wonderful sleeper. For this I am so grateful.

I recently purchased a new bedding set for Hinckley so that he could have something warmer and fuzzier. As much as we loved the Sesame Street hand-me-down crib bedding set that we used for Orion and Chrysalis, it was time for an upgrade. I love how fuzzy and soft everything is now. I hope Hinckley likes it too.

Doesn't he just look perfect in there. I must be his mother.

And here is my sweetie of a creation. I wanted to get some pics of her hair before I gave her a haircut. This is all still her baby hair from when she was born. It's so curly on the ends and I love it. I was trying to cut just bangs on her to keep the long strands of hair out of her face but I don't think I did a good job. I started to cut too much and decided to cut some of her curls but it looked bad. So I cut more and then just gave up.

Since the Dollar Cuts was having a day of $4 haircuts all day one Saturday, I decided to take her there and then also get my hair cut as well. Then I got it colored too. I haven't colored my hair since I got married so it was a much needed change. I'll post pics of my new do later.

Here I was trying to get her to cooperate to take a photo of her latest do but she was near impossible. However, this photo was too funny not to post.

And of course, she was picking her nose.

Finally, a somewhat decent one.

This was one morning when Alex was still on a work trip. She came to me that morning and with the cutest face said, "Mommy, Hinckley cwying. Kiss it better." It was after a long night of nursing and trying to get some rest. But her sincere little face always reminds me that all I need to do is breathe . . . and then keep going. I picked her up, squeezed the life out of her and told her I loved her. Chrysalis' response: "Lub ya too."

One night my sister came along with me to watch a beautiful choir sing. I can't believe this was a free show. The kids actually sat still and loved it. They never cease to surprise me. Their cousin Tracy sings in the choir. He has a great voice. Those Huntingtons sure can sing. And here they are after the choir finished singing with their Aunt Betsy (Tracy's mom).

Here's Hinckley on a random night.

And Thanksgiving Dinner this year was a traditional one. Yes, we made the decision together as a family to actually cook a Turkey this year. And as wonderful as it was that night, as well as the following morning, it may very well be the last time we cook such a large bird. Luckily we were able to share the dinner with my Aunt Gloria and my sister Gio. Needless to say, we all got sick.

Orion was excited to eat "chicken" again.

Carrots cooked under the turkey. Super soft and yummy.

Ham stuffing that was actually stuffed into the bird.

Sweet potato casserole covered in walnuts and marshmallows. As if it wasn't sweet enough.

Plenty of turkey and a side salad. Had to have something green. Oh, and I didn't get a picture of the pie. But yes, there was pumpkin pie. I tried to make it vegan but it didn't set very well. I'll have to find a different recipe. It sure was delicious. But shortly after eating so much meat and cooked food, we all got sick. I guess that since we don't eat much of this stuff anymore, it doesn't sit well with us when we do. And especially when we pig out on it like we did on Thanksgiving weekend. We all got sick at the same time. Just a day after eating all this. All five of us. Sad day. But there is something to be said for that. Anyways, this Christmas, we've decided we're sick and tired of being sick and tired. We're doing a Gourmet Vegan meal with as much of it as raw as possible. Stay tuned for that spread.

After Thanksgiving we got a new raw video full of inspirational information and recipes and so we decided to try a raw vegan almond yogurt with diced apples. We had this for breakfast one morning to try and clean out our systems from all the dead food.

It tastes like yogurt to me. Sure hits the spot and satisfies any yogurt cravings. I'll be posting the recipe soon. Who needs real dairy anyways?

During one of the first snows of the year, I let the kids out to play in it. This is Chrysalis' first time playing in the snow. Last year we missed it because we were living in Hot Hot Phoenix, AZ. So we sure are excited to make snowmen this year and go sledding. Still not enough snow for sledding, but we'll make it I'm sure.

She loved eating it.

Orion loved making footprints and making snowballs. Neither of them wanted gloves so they played in it with bare hands. It was a rather warm day so I let them. It was funny though because Orion kept running back into the house every 3 minutes to stick his hands under some warm running water. He would then come back out, play in the snow a bit, and tell me his hands hurt so he would do it again. Chrysalis didn't care. She eventually did tell me her hands hurt and to kiss them better. That's when I figured it was time for her to go inside. I held her hands in mine and then breathed into her palms. She looked at me quizzically and said, "Thank you Mommy." I love that little girl.

Well, I think that's a wrap. These were November's Happenings. Hope you enjoyed.

1 comment:

Stephen said...

I did. Very much. Especially all the wonderful pictures.


Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

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