Saturday, December 11, 2010

Handy Manny

Orion loves to watch Handy Manny on the Disney channel. I'm sure all you moms out there know what I'm talking about. Lately, he's really enjoyed trying to help his Daddy out with all the tools he's been using to create some simple and yet fun and functional furniture for our little place. We've been wanting and needing a desk for our computer and to use for some other hobbies but everything just seems either so pricey for something good or cheap quality and over-priced (meaning Alex really hates Ikea which I really used to love). So my husband, the ex-framer, has taken it upon himself to teach himself how to build things from scratch. I'll admit I underestimated my own hubby's abilities. I thought that because he used to frame houses that he would not be able to pay attention to the finer detail that goes into building furniture. I was wrong. Our style is simple because our needs are few. I am really proud of his "Handy Manny" work as both Orion and myself like to call it. So far, he's built us a simple bed frame but that project isn't done yet. He fully intends to build a head and footboard to go with it. He's doing these projects in phases, but at least our bed is off the floor now. I'll take some pics of that one later. Hooray! And this latest project is a desk that started out as slabs of wood like shown above.

And quickly turned into this. Notice "Pat" and "Stretch" were needed in order to complete this project.

I love my Handy Manny. He really is quite handy.

And here is the somewhat finished project sitting in our bedroom now. Amazing what a coat of paint can do. It functions well for now, but he wants to add a few drawers and a sliding table on the the side later for our printer. But one detail at a time right? Anyways, I love it. You know you want a Handy Manny in your life too. :) And projects like these cost about one tenth of what you would pay for in a store. Of course, they take some time. But now that we intend to stay here for longer, we definitely have time to grow into our little home. Next project/projects ? Nightstands and a bunk bed for my boys. My list of needs grows quickly. Jk. My husband is going to regret ever having built me anything in the first place.


Stephen said...

Good work, Alex. Really turned out well. I look forward to pictures of the other projects. Much better than hearing you describe them.

I'm mystified. "Pat" and "Stetch"? Is this hammer and tape?

And Ligia, I'd like to think that watching his Dad over the years had some influence. :)

BTW, sweetheart, happy birthday!

Stephen said...

I mean "stRetch".

Ligia said...

I'm sure you can find a clip of it on youtube or something if you look it up. The tools in this show are alive and each have names. Hammer is Pat. Measuring tape is Stretch. Wrench is Rusty. Screwdriver is Felipe. Pliers is Squeeze. It sounds silly but it's actually quite cute. Orion loves it.

Tiffany said...

Ooo, impressive! Good work Alex! I love it.

And I love the video you posted of "The Angel Gabriel," it was soooo pretty!

Kira said...

I'm impressed, way to go Alex! It looks great. And happy birthday Ligia!

Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Our little swimmer