Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Pemberly Festival June 2011

All right, so I'm a little behind on posts of what's been going on. These next few will be short and simple quick posts to get up the photos and videos of our latest happening for all to see. This was our apartment complex having a festival. We live at the Pemberly Condos, so that's why the name. Started off with a parade which Orion didn't move very quickly in. Still, he made it around. It was funny watching him play duck duck goose and not understand what he was supposed to do. Guess we have to play that one more often. Then, I loved how Alex tried to cheat throughout the three-legged race by carrying his partner all the way. No, he didn't win. Because cheaters never prosper. And what festival would be complete without a tug-of-war? Not to mention BBQ and a pie tasting contest. I should have gotten pics of it. They looked so good. And tasted better. I was on a sugar high for hours after.

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