Monday, July 18, 2011

Sticker Projects

So if you were like me as a kid, you loved playing with stickers. Back in April of this year, we bought a big box of foam stickers and the kids went mad making collages like crazy on paper after paper. Above was one of the Easter collages.

This one was made with a different box of Crazy Critter stickers. I was kind of jealous that my kids seemed to be having so much fun doing this that I decided to sit down and create along with them. I remember my mom having stickers on occasion for her sunbeam class that she taught way back when and I always wanted to play with them and wasn't allowed. So I really took advantage of the fact that these were my stickers.

Sadly, I believe I may have gotten a little carried away. I think I may need to channel my creativity in a different direction. I was actually pretty proud of my collage. So proud I took a picture of it. As if this sort of art would really be worth anything. I keep thinking, maybe if I made it really big. Like mural size it might be worth something. Who knows. Some artists these days get paid for peeing in a cup. Kid you not. I saw this in a museum once. I don't know how anyone can call that art. Anyways, here is my sticker collage.

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