Thursday, June 17, 2010

A Day at the Riverbanks Zoo

Angela Cheesman and her little girl Elise joined us for a stroll at the zoo in about 100 degree hot and humid weather. The kids love going to the zoo. They are always so fascinated with every little detail. It really makes me discover the world all over again when I see it through their eyes. God's creations really are marvelous. We really took advantage of the little indoor exhibits to cool off as they were air conditioned. Thank goodness for air conditioning.

Lately, both my kids have been really into gorillas for some reason. One look at them, and it's no wonder why. These primates features and movements are so similar to ours and yet they are still wild creatures. So we attended a short presentation about them as they were thrown head after head of lettuces and other greens.

There were some giant tortoises about this size but this was the only one you could sit on.

Angela and Elise.

A fun fish feeding with a scuba diver actually in the aquarium of the exhibit touching eels and sting rays.

Take notice of the little arm. Orion would have loved to have taken this friendly giant home for a pet. This was definitely one of the highlights of the day for the kids.

I think he tried to kiss it at one point.

Chrys was trying to feed it to draw it near but would quickly change her mind as it approached. It is a strange looking animal. But all the kids were fascinated. I expected a rough dog-like tongue but it was slightly prickly so that actually surprised me. Probably good for catching those high tree leaves. So I learned something new.

Orion said they tickled.


And Tigers, but we couldn't find bears.

Young love.

I swear my son holds hands with more girls in the same month than I ever held hands with any guys in my entire life. He's such a little ladies' man. Last week it was Claire Bennion. Now it's Elise Cheesman. This summer office we are surrounded by little girls. Last year, Orion had tons of little boys to play with. This year it's girls.

But how could you resist such cute little sweeties? They had so much fun together.

Orion surely enjoyed feeding these little birds.

Chrys was super excited to see so many birds. But she didn't want them too close. They made her kind of nervous. Their claws were a little prickly I suppose.

Trying to capture the birds that swarmed my arms, head and shoulders.

Angela tries to show Elise there's nothing scary about the birds.

Still leery but you can see the curiosity in her expression.

Looking for penguins.

Just playing on a little dinosaur sculpture.


Stephen said...

What fun for the kids. What a great post. Thanks.

Eloisa said...

I love to see you around nature. It is so good for the kids. Lig. when you were little you enjoyed so much our park of the legend in Lima Peru.

Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Our little swimmer