Tuesday, September 27, 2011

There Is Safety in Following the Prophet

Orion's First talk. I've been meaning to post this for a while now but just haven't gotten to it. Orion gave this talk back in March of this year. His first in primary ever. Sorry, the picture quality and sound is so poor. I brought my camera but the sweet lady I asked to tape it said it shut off on her and she didn't know how to turn it back on. She used her little camera instead. Still, you can hear most of it. I'm copying the talk below so that you can read along with him if you'd like. It's also for our family record I suppose. I was so pleased with how well he did. He wasn't shy at all. Not like I used to be.

Anyways here's his talk:

There is safety in following the prophet.

Noah was a prophet in the Bible.

He told the people to repent because a big flood was coming but they just laughed at him.

So he built a big boat and put his family and 2 of each animal on it.

Those who didn’t listen to him perished in the flood.

This is Lehi.

Lehi was a prophet in the Book of Mormon.

God told him that Jerusalem would be destroyed.

He left his wealth and riches to live in the wilderness for many years.

Heavenly Father kept Lehi and his family safe.

Joseph Smith is a latter day prophet.

He translated the Book of Mormon and told us to read it.

There is safety in reading the scriptures.

Reading the scriptures can bring us peace and comfort.

We still have a prophet today.

His name is Thomas S. Monson.

If we listen to him carefully, we can all be safe too.

I leave you these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.


Palmyra said...

That's darling, I hope I remember to do the same when Alex gives his firs talk.

Alex said...

But I've already given many talks. Why would you want to record mine anyway?

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