Saturday, May 5, 2012

Making Sense of Healing and its Sometimes Slow Process

Usually, Orion is the one breaking out in some kind of rash.  Never before have I ever had a rash like this.  I'm sensitive to bug bites but it never gets this bad.  I guess I'm getting a small taste of what my poor baby went through those first couple of years of his life.  There must be something to learn from this.  Frankly I'm not sure I care so much right now what it is.  But I'm trying to remain positive and open to what lesson I need to learn from this particular adversity.  A few people have said it might be hives.  It sure feels like it.  But has anyone ever heard of hives centralized on the arms and ankles?  I thought hives was an all over breakout.  I'm thinking it's something yeast related.  Some kind of eczema.

I'm not certain what defines hives and separates it from all other allergic or non-allergic rashes.  It has calmed down a bit.  At night, it seems to flare up the most.  I've done some juicing to cleanse out any toxins I may have ingested from eating all those gas station goodies.  I was also thinking it may have something to do with my slight anemia that my blood tests showed.  So I'm thinking I'm low in protein and that it must definitely be contributing to my low immune function.  Could also be a low B-12.  I'm certain some eggs could help that.  I've also added a probiotic supplement and started taking a healthy source of fats and omegas.  I guess I'm trying to attack this from all angles.  For the itching, I've been taking hot showers as the hot water seems to scratch out the itch, if that makes any sense.  Then I switch the water to cool to help take the inflammation down.  I've heard a lot about hot and cold hydrotherapy so I thought I would give that a try and it definitely helps soothe the skin.  I've mixed a few drops of peppermint and melaleuca oils in some water and placed into a spritzer bottle that I use to mist all over the itchy spots after my showers.  It really cools.  And then I slather on the coconut oil.  This routine has been the most helpful to me.

Dr. Brian Clement, a doctor I'm rather fond of, once said in a lecture on health that eczema and other such rashes are basically asthma expressed on the skin.  That basically, it's a combination of systems not functioning together and a body desperately trying to rid itself of toxins.  And, that as a last resort, the body uses the skin to expel things that are not being expelled properly otherwise.  Does that make any sense?  I'm just thinking out loud now.  So I've been asking myself, what could my body be trying to rid itself of and why is it having trouble doing its job?  I'm eliminating as much processed food and sugars as possible.  As a pregnant woman, I want to say, that has been a challenge.  But I have noticed a bit of a pattern.  Anytime I eat sugars, I find myself flaring up again.  I also thought it might be low B-12 because I don't eat a lot of animal products and therefore don't replenish my flora the way I probably should with all the cleansing I've done in the past.  Which is why I've been taking a probiotic.  Anyways, those are some of the things I've done thus far.  Not a total cure.  But I'm not one to find instant relief anymore.  I refuse to mask my symptoms with some drug that suppresses it long enough for new things to malfunction.  I want to heal my body.  Even if it's a slow process.  So here's to hoping and healing and listening to my body's warning signals and giving it what it needs.

1 comment:

cherise and Tristan said...

LIgia, I don't know what one of the natural things was I took. It is a lady from El Salvador who I work with and she made me this powder that I mixed with yogurt and took one time. it is to jump start your body back to its normal female cycle. She won't tell me what is in it. My co-worker said it is made of horse poop that is why she doesn't want anybody to know. But I don't believe that. SHe also had me buy some vitamins called vita fem. They are mexican all natural vitamins. I take 2 a day. I have been taking them since my miscarriage but still yet to have a cycle so I am not sure if they are working. With my first miscarriage I took nothing and had a cycle after 4 weeks. Now it has been over 5 and nothing. However, I had not ovulated in 4 months and took this stuff and exactly 2 weeks after I ovulated on my own. But perhaps that was due to the powder she had me take. SHe is going to make me some more. I love to hear about your family. Thanks for your words of encouragement and advice. Much love cherise

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