Thursday, April 21, 2011


In all of the chaos that is going on around my place (raising three kids while their dad is away for six months and watching over my dad at the same time) I don't want to forget to document the little things about Hinckley that I know I will one day miss.

Like the first day he began sucking his toes. What mother doesn't love this one? March 13th, 2011.

Or the day he had his first tastes of wheatgrass and green smoothie. March 18th, 2011.

He loved it and seems eager for more. Not that I didn't enjoy nursing my other two kids, but with Hinckley, I have not been in any rush to wean him. I get slightly sad to think of how fast he is growing. And I have very much enjoyed our connection together this time. More so than I remember with my first two. Don't get me wrong. I have very fond memories of nursing the other two, but I think my mind was always somewhere else. I greatly anticipated the day I wouldn't have to nurse them anymore. I turn around for one second with Hinckley and he's already doing something new. It seems to all happen so much faster when you're occupied with two others already. Which is why I feel this time around, I am enjoying my time with him and in no hurry to finish with the nursing phase. Who knows. I may shoot for two years. Maybe not. But I've read it doesn't hurt. We'll see. But here's some Hinckley footage for you to enjoy.

1 comment:

Stephen said...

Ahh, he sure is a door bell. And I especially enjoyed the video soundtrack. Haha.

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